
紐時筆記090101:European Unity Falls Victim to Downturn

  1. downturn
  2. to nurse their business
  3. ... required big doses
  4. inexorable= unstoppable, inescapable, inevitable, unavoidable
  5. to fuel a debt-laden(lade 負重担) binge (狂熱)
  6. as the financial crisis struck...(strike, struck, struck)
  7. deteriorating : a. in the process of turning worse
  8. keep...... from going bust
  9. to cushion the serve slump
  10. to shore up banks = to support banks
  11. crouch : to lower body close to the ground (clutch=抓住/crutch=拐扙/crunch嘎吱嘎吱地嚼
  12. crumble v. 使成碎屑
  13. relegate = to demote
  14. backwater 滯水、回逆水
  15. Such ties proliferated the region..... :v. 迅速繁殖、增殖
  16. stringent criteria = severe criteria