

Dear Learners,

I finally finished the pictures and video production.  You can click on the following slice for the pictures.  For your speech video, please go to our BOX.  But I have to apologize that due to technical failure, I only have Carrie's and Kathy's video as well as a short clip sining Starry Starry Night.  You can also find those clips in our BOX. If you have problems downloading the video from BOX or after downloading, you have hard time listening to it, please reply to this post.


PS. 如果你無法從BOX 下載或下載後無法聽,請回覆此po文,我再看如何幫你。影音檔有些大,約在7-25mb之內,window 電腦可能要花一些時間下載,但下載前螢幕會有寫檔大小,你可以看了再決定是否下載。因為檔案很大又很多,這些檔案會保留到6/24。Please download it before the expiry date.

PS. 有同學反應下載實在太慢。我現在也把這些檔案放在隱藏式的youtube中,就是只要有連結的人才看得到,外面的人無法搜尋的到,這樣就可以保護同學的隱私。連結已經透過email寄給你了。希望這樣對你較方便。

照片框左下角有個四方形的icon,按下去會有對話。check it out!!