
多媒體創意英語學習 - 勤益大學

以下是演講中的關鍵字連結( Following are the key words.  Go search in this blog):
  1. Miss Potter 波特小姐
  2. Annoying Orange
  3. James Bond 007 - Casino Royale 
  4. Lady Gaga
  5. Sponge Bob 海綿寶寶之死亡筆記本
  6. 台灣霹靂火
  7. Nick Vujicic 
Dear Students,

Thanks for your participation.  You guys are wonderful. Great job you have done. Thanks for the comments you gave me.  I hope you had a wonderful ride in improving English expression.  I will answer your question you wrote on the questionnaire here in my blog.  So make sure you keep me in your following list.  Here are some impressive clips. 

Air plane搞什麼飛機

Speak English by using Adrenalin 用腎上腺講英語