
世界永遠不變的是「變」The only thing stays unchanged is change itself.

I haven't posted anything recently.  One thing is because of the peak season in business, the other thing is my assistant is leaving for a flight attendant position.   Only 7 days of lead time she gave me to find the replacement.

I have two options.  First is to hire another assistant which is a painful and long process.  Second is to adjust the job design of other staff and myself, which lead to a more efficient and direct communication.  I choose the second option. I believe with technology I can get through this period.

Getting a great staff is difficult.  Transforming staff into companion is more difficult.  It is even tougher for a small business.
I am glad I always see things in a positive way - Assistant is like limbs to me, without it is like I loose my arms and legs.  But even so, I will roll my body to the destination.  I will not allow other factors to spoil my dream.

My ex-assistant is a lovely girl.  I encourage her to pursue her dream just like my strong will toward mine.

The only thing stays unchanged is change itself.  I will learn to handle it more skillfully.
Thanks for the challenge.  It only makes me tougher!!
Say YES to self evolution!!

Dawn's OS: 最近看到金士頓拿出一大筆錢來奬勵員工,讓大家做得開心。期許自己有一天也能有這樣能力。