
量子英語讀書會002 Why Sleep Is So Important?

    TIME / VENUE:  7/15/2010 松江路204巷11號 

    TOPIC: Why Sleep is So Important? 原文連結按這(source: Harvard Business Review, by Anne Field)
      LEAD MASTER : Sammi ( Sammi 貼心準備google中文翻譯,需要者請回po此文。)

      ELABORATION DISCUSSION: (Thank you SAMMI for those creative questions.)
      請自選一個或數個題目,可在「topic elaboration」的時間發表。
      1. Have you every try to lose weight through sleeping?
      2. What can you do if you really want to doze off while you can't?
      3. Have you had nightmare before?  Do you think it is bout stress?
      4. Some celebrity said we only need one-hour sleep.  Do you think it is real?
      5. What kind of syndrome would you feel when you do not have enough sleep?
      6. The article suggests some ways to help you get more sleep.  Which one do you prefer?
      7. Have you ever had the experience that you are very tired, but you can't fall asleep? How did you deal with it?
      8. What was your experience to sleep like a baby?
      9. Some people needs to wear pajamas to fall asleep.  Do you have the same habit? Talk about any sleep habits you have.
      10. If you get old and wake up 3 oclock in the morning while other family are in sleep, what can you do to ease the boredom?

      • WHY:Help the members to be able to appreciate English reading by oneself.幫助成員學習利用英語文吸收新知。
      • WHO : Anyone one seeking improving English should come.  任何想要增進自己英語表達能力者都可參加。
      • HOW: Members take turns to lead the meeting.  He/She find an article and think about the questions to discuss. Any topic relating to Business/Personal Development is suitable. 每週由一位成員找文章及提出對該文章的討論問題, 任何內容只要是跟商業或個人成長有關都可以。
      • TIME: 下次讀書會7/15/2010 1900-2100 (3rd Thursday in every month 每月第三個星期四)
      • VENUE:松江路204巷11號。離松江路和民生東路交口只有30秒,如何到:MRT 忠孝新生exit4.  Take bus 214, 222, 290, 642, 642綠. Get off at 民生松江路口途徑為-忠孝新生路口 → 南京松江路口 → 長春松江路口 → 民生松江路口,約三個站)
      • FEE : NT$200 per person(50% venue fee, 50% charity donation 扣除場地等必要開銷全數捐給慈善機關,捐贈對象可由會員提議)。
      • 1910-1910(10') Opening開場引言
      • 1910-1940(30')  Know What & Know How 字詞字意/文章涵義了解(3-4 People in a group)
      • 1940-2010(30') Group Report to the class 
      • 2010-2040(30') Topic Elaboration (Class Discussion全班討論)
      • 2040-2100(20') The moment of Dawn ; Next meeting