
量子英語讀書會002 Meeting Minutes

Date : 7/15
Topic: Why sleep is so important?
Participants: Nancy, Eason, Karen, Shown, Peggy, Lea and Dawn. What a lucky seven!!

This was the first time that students should have taken the lead to host the meeting.  Sammi prepared everything.  She even asked me to correct her script.  However, she was tight up by a test.  She asked Johnson to take over her role.  Nevertheless, couple of hours before the meeting, I got the text message from Sammi that Johnson had a diarrhea.  Johnson also called me to apologize.   Anyhow the meeting went well because of the enthusiastic participation from the members.

The discussion was excellent.  We know the tips to upgrade to business class when taking the flight. We also know Nancy's sleeping secrete.  Peggy reveal Shawn's sleeping habits.  And Shawn has shown his magic power to listen to the heavy metal music and sleep at the same time.  Lea popped out ideas immediately when asked to point out what caught her eyes from the article.

  • The next lead master : Shawn ( Shawn, please provide the article by next Thursday.)
  • Total collection: $1400 ( $700 venue fee and Karen will help to donate the rest of $700 to the animal shelter.  Thank you Karen!!)
  • Next meeting : 8/19 Thursday 

I guess everyone is busy in some ways.  But I also heard someone said that time is just like women's cleavage.  It is squeezable!!

Special appreciation to Eason's  visit.  He just cam back from a trip and came directly to the meeting. He also invited his wife to join.

I had a great sleep last night because we did something good together.  The animals are smiling, too.