
量子英語讀書會003 Meeting Minutes

  • Date 日期     : 8/19
  • Master 主持人   : Shawn Lin
  • Topic   主題       : The Dream And The Reality
  • Participants參與: Shyvia, Lea, Eason, Karen, Shawn, Peggy, Selina, Dawn. 共8人
  • Amount總金額  : $1600 ( $800 venue fee場地費; $800 donation捐款 - 「鄭南榕基金會」
This meeting deserved to win a milestone because of its philosophical meaning.  The wording itself was easy but the zig-zag thinking  indeed gave our brain a stir.  Discussing such topic in English was like the mission impossible.  Nevertheless, WE DID IT. 
The other thing touched me was most member tried hard to escort their own belief.  I can say everyone stood for their feet.  It was like a debate, but a gentle one.  I am happy because sometimes it is easy for Taiwanese to be talked into others' belief. Just because our education wants us to FOLLOW the book, the teacher and the authority.  However, I do believe the rich creativity hidden inside our Taiwanese brains. We should dig it out.  When we dig it out, we will find our confidence.

The video clips Shawn played in the meeting:
1. An adaptation of Plato's allegory in clay ( source from Youtube) Please see below.
2. Are you a brain in a vat? ( source from Youtube) Please see below.

Some terms that we talked about in the meeting and the terms I like
  •  prophet 先知 
  • Ignorance is a bless. // Ignorance is bliss. 無知便是福
  • cast shadows 產生影子的動詞用cast
  • accustom to for so long =get used to for so long=長久習慣
  • profound meaning =深遠的意義
Next Meeting : Date - 9/16 ; Master- Lea Wei

Look forward to seeing everyone. 關於量子英語讀書會