
量子英語讀書會004 Meeting Minutes

* Date 日期     : 9/16
* Master 主持人   : Lea Wei
* Topic   主題       : Two Choices
* Participants參與: Shyvia, Lea, Scott, Shawn, Peggy, Whitney, Dawn. 共7人
* Amount總金額  : $1400 ( $700 venue fee場地費; $700 donation捐款 - 「華山文教基金會
Today we had two special guests, long lost friends, Scott and Whitney.   It's good to see them back, especially Scott has been in the process to turn himself into 潮男.   We missed two members today - Eason and Karen.  But we appreciate Eason's spirit of virtual participation.  He was on his way coming back from  Chiayi to Taipei.  Welcome to the next meeting then.
The meeting started with a psychological test which perceived our relationship  to spouse, children and money.  That was a great warm up session, participants grouped up to share their own feeling.  It warmed up everyone's English speaking tongue.  The discussions also led the participants to be more insightful when linking with others.  Lea wanted us to put ourselves into the shoes of the roles in the article.  This story was simple, but profound.  
We had been educated to be better, stronger, and tougher to meet higher goals.  This story didn't meet any of  those goals, but uplifted the humanity to a higher ground.   If it happened in the work place, we would be under the risk to be fired.  But I am sure there must be some parts in our job that allow us to bring a smile to people we work with. If we have the chance, do it.  
Having said that, why it is important to bring people a smile? 為何要帶給別人快樂?又沒有多的業績,老闆也不見得會因此而幫我們加薪。。。想一下。。。我們追求更好更棒的過程中,是靠很多直接相關及間接相關的人事物,讓別人心甘情願的幫忙時,你就創造了一個圍繞你的良性循環。It is an invisible credit card.   The limit of the credit depends on our attitude toward others.
我們的這個讀書會其實也在做一個良性的循環,從我們可以做的開始, 從我們關心的開始,不要管自已的面子,不管英文程度如何,都可以從這個讀書會中學到東西。希望我們一起持續做下去。謝謝大家的支持,請大家告訴大家。

I want to thank Lea for her efficient feedback on the donation.  She has already applied for the donation. On Friday, I did meet the staff from 華山文教基金會selling sweat potato.  I bought two immediately.  Only $20 each.  I guess I will keep on doing this in the next encounter.

Something worth learning in this article:
  • punch line
  • the sense of belonging
  • S+ struggle over  to +N
  • a broad smile
  • grinning from ear to ear
  • human有人性的,humane 人情味的,humanity 人性人道
  • scam 騙計, scamp 流氓, scamper蹦蹦跳跳,scampi 蝦子 ... 這些字都很像,你可以想一下有何關連嗎?可以回覆此文。
Next Meeting : 10/21
Master of the meeting : Peggy
Note :
  • 期四就在去讀書會的路上,在公車上,有一個坐著的小姐微笑對我說:你的東西很重,我幫你拿。這句話在我高中時期坐公車時常聽到。那時有一個大家自然而然都會遵守的事, 那就是坐著的人會幫站著的人拿包包。那時從家到學校要一個半小時,早上5點就要去上課,有時很擠時不認識的人也會伸出援手,要幫你拿包包。過了這麼多年可能現在高中生都不會這麼做了。 當時我回絕了她的好意,但心中很想了解她為何還如此做。我有二個撰擇, 一個是冷漠的繼續站著,一個是主動問她。心中凝結了幾秒,我選擇跟她說話,原來她也是不希望這是一個冷漠的社會。如果我也選擇冷漠,我就不會知道別人也跟我一樣想要溫暖。(有點肉麻,但是很真)