
量子英語讀書會005 Meeting Minutes

*Date 日期     : 10/21 
*Master 主持人   : Peggy Cheng 
*Topic   主題       : The story of prometheus 
*Participants參與: Shyvia, Eason, Scott, Shawn, Peggy, Jennifer, Dawn. 共7人 
*Amount總金額  : $1400 ( $700 venue fee場地費; $700 donation捐款 - 台灣導盲犬協會」)

It was like having a great feast with your lovely family members in a very special evening.  Typhoon was approaching in that evening and of course, it was raining and windy.  Nevertheless, members still come to the meeting.  I am overwhelmed.  More touchingly, our master of the evening, Peggy Cheng, brought us the Chinese fortune cookies, the one that you can only enjoy in American Chinese restaurant.  Well, I have to say Peggy, you gave us the FIRST experience to sample the Chinese fortune cookies in Taiwan.  It was indeed a special experience.
Peggy not only prepared the food but also had a good try on the program design.  I enjoyed the conversation bouncing around the table.  Agreement is good, but disagreement is also good. What I enjoy the program is people learn from the disagreement.
Our first time comer, Jennifer, said that she enjoyed the atmosphere.  That makes her not as nervous as she imagines.    Well, nice try!!   The ultimate objective is to stimulate the different thinking through the discussion of English articles.  Being about to think differently is POWER.
Two suggestions that Dawn raised and were agreed by the member:
1. Dawn will collect the fee and donate to the charity.
2. At least to give meeting master two months lead time to organize the article.  So December Meeting Master - Shyvia, and January Meeting Master - Scott.
See You Soon!!