- 包裝中間有尺圖樣當貼紙,是要同學心中有一把尺,
- 擦子要同學在考場擦細部的部份,畢業後要時時歸零,也要擦掉壞情緒不讓情緒影響太久,。
- 包裝紙內是講義,也是對每個同學勉勵的話,每一句話都是針對個別 同學而寫,但又不希望同學對號入座,所以不加姓名
1. Keep walking and embrace every step of your journey, whether it is
high or low. In the end, you will find (that) those dots (that) you have
been experiencing compose the very best picture of yourself.
2. Do not let the current you be in the way of the future you. Cherish every minute of your life and constantly reinvent the new you.
3. Always ponder the flip side of a glory scene and you will discover the road to that scene is not always rosy.
4. Be interdependent. Have a life of your own.
5. Find your calling and sharpen your saw to fulfill your calling. If you haven’t found your calling, leave an open mind and sharpen whatever saw you have in hand. Your calling will come to you as that is the purpose you come to the world.
6. Accept the status quo, even though it is a mouthful of screws. Chew them, sallow them but don’t screw them. What hurts you before will turn into a helping hand.
7. The only thing remains constant is change. The only equal thing on earth is time. Adjust yourself to face the change by using your limited but resourceful weapon - time.
2. Do not let the current you be in the way of the future you. Cherish every minute of your life and constantly reinvent the new you.
3. Always ponder the flip side of a glory scene and you will discover the road to that scene is not always rosy.
4. Be interdependent. Have a life of your own.
5. Find your calling and sharpen your saw to fulfill your calling. If you haven’t found your calling, leave an open mind and sharpen whatever saw you have in hand. Your calling will come to you as that is the purpose you come to the world.
6. Accept the status quo, even though it is a mouthful of screws. Chew them, sallow them but don’t screw them. What hurts you before will turn into a helping hand.
7. The only thing remains constant is change. The only equal thing on earth is time. Adjust yourself to face the change by using your limited but resourceful weapon - time.